
1. 小学一年级英语演讲稿

Good morning/afternoon! Ladies and gentlemen. I'm glad to come here with you. The topic of my speech today is “Dream Comes True”. It's a fine day today. I stare at the smart girl in the mirror for a long time. “I can do it well.” I give myself a sweet smile. I'm a guide for my hometown, Lishui. I'm very happy. How time flies! During these years, A simple little girl has become a famous guide. And an old city has taken on a splendid new look. The new high buildings with eye-catching colors have replaced the old houses. The city constructs the high ways. People are living a better and more comfortable life. I check my bag again to make sure that everything are there .Yes, I get them all…… There's a camera in it. It can take down all beautiful scenery of Lishui. and the beauty of friendship between our citizens and guests. There's a small mirror in my bag too. I must keep a neat appearance for facing my guests. Today, I have a nice name, call Lishuier. I also write down some sentences on each card, such as “Welcome to Lishui” and “A big world, a warm family.” These will be sent to our dear guests. At last, I'm sure that I put the last important thing in ----my smile. A heart-warming smile stands a whole world. It's a language used by everybody, no matter where he comes. I want our guests to remember the warm smile of our citizens and take it back to every corner of the world. With the bag in my arms, I open the door. It's not only an ordinary door of my house, but also the access to my dreamlike reality. The sunlight is so lovely. It's a fine day today. Thank you! ================ Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! This time, I\\'d like to talk something about English. I love English. English language is now used everywhere in the world. It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. Learning English makes me confident and brings me great pleasure. When I was seven, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with other children . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world. Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons. On the weekend, I often go to the English corner. By talking with different people there, I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English. I hope I can travel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language developed. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy. I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I\\'ll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Anshan. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.。

2. 老师给家长说开家长会用英语写成英语作文

Parents will be My goodness! On November 29, it will be parents! This is rather special, students come here to attend, head to increase feelings of parents and students. I am a mother and to the teachers say 8:00 into the school, I had to get up 7:30, because not ring alarm clock is definitely too late, rushed to the school, then get up late, and schools have to sweat the . Finally arrived at the classroom. Classmates laugh at me, let me unable to mind, they laugh at me with a balloon, has been too naive. I said: "What, did you play?" 。

。 First, parents will be the first stage: mathematics. Mathematical guess is the main topic, all of a sudden have to say right answer and must not be stopped, it can be difficult to us, but our efforts, or a customs clearance of an adopted. Followed by a second stage: English. Can be difficult, but I have been through English classes, I was a "Southern Mr. Guo." In the beginning, as if I have any grudges against them spokesman, How are all of a sudden you, all of a sudden and how old are you, to answer all of a sudden we are victims of the answer to all of a sudden 。

that 。 people really can not stand, 。

。 Finally, as a result of the following is the parents, we can not affect the parents, so we bid farewell to the parents go through this, I feel the parents will be: the original parents will be very fun, is not terrible.。

3. 关于家长会的英语作文60篇

I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,*' an USA * are both in Class Two,Grade * is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at * often help each other with * of us like helping others. We both like sports very * enjoy playing * Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends。

4. 求一篇孩子与家长的英语作文

Nowadays,The young become more and more unconcerned about their parents,even forget their * aren't grateful to them a lot and lack of thanksgiving.I wonder what leads to that? As far as I concerned,the important reason is that they can't comunicate with each other * teenages,they enjoy free life * the same time,They are willing to be independent .However,to be the parents,they are always worried about children in case that children * try their best to protect them at any *ore,the Contradiction arises * must be made clearly that they all have * solve * put it to another shoes,and they will understand from each other. Actually,children own a lot to their * should think twice and be patient when their parents try contorling them from doing * love each other,and the love can be tolerant of all things whatever they are bad.感觉第三人称写的好别扭```呵呵。

5. 英语作文 家长会

Parents will be

My goodness! On November 29, it will be parents! This is rather special, students come here to attend, head to increase feelings of parents and students.

I am a mother and to the teachers say 8:00 into the school, I had to get up 7:30, because not ring alarm clock is definitely too late, rushed to the school, then get up late, and schools have to sweat the .

Finally arrived at the classroom. Classmates laugh at me, let me unable to mind, they laugh at me with a balloon, has been too naive. I said: "What, did you play?" 。 。

First, parents will be the first stage: mathematics. Mathematical guess is the main topic, all of a sudden have to say right answer and must not be stopped, it can be difficult to us, but our efforts, or a customs clearance of an adopted.

Followed by a second stage: English. Can be difficult, but I have been through English classes, I was a "Southern Mr. Guo." In the beginning, as if I have any grudges against them spokesman, How are all of a sudden you, all of a sudden and how old are you, to answer all of a sudden we are victims of the answer to all of a sudden 。 that 。 people really can not stand,

Finally, as a result of the following is the parents, we can not affect the parents, so we bid farewell to the parents go through this, I feel the parents will be: the original parents will be very fun, is not terrible.

6. 写一篇关于学生对家长会看法的英语作文

Parents meeting is away of communication between our parents and our teacher. It can let our parents know more abou tour study conditon. And change theire ducaion of usin or dertobe more fitforus. But some students dislike parents meeting. Because they are afraind of whatteacher would say to their parents. Often that's because they did't do we llin school themselves. So, most of us students welcome parentsmeeting. Because we know, withthat, we can livea more nagative life with the help of our teacher and ourparents.。

7. 求一篇孩子与家长的英语作文

Nowadays,The young become more and more unconcerned about their parents,even forget their * aren't grateful to them a lot and lack of thanksgiving.I wonder what leads to that?

As far as I concerned,the important reason is that they can't comunicate with each other * teenages,they enjoy free life * the same time,They are willing to be independent .However,to be the parents,they are always worried about children in case that children * try their best to protect them at any *ore,the Contradiction arises * must be made clearly that they all have * solve * put it to another shoes,and they will understand from each other.

Actually,children own a lot to their * should think twice and be patient when their parents try contorling them from doing * love each other,and the love can be tolerant of all things whatever they are bad.感觉第三人称写的好别扭```呵呵

8. 一年级家长会发言稿怎么写200字左右

各位家长,下午好! 再一次感谢你们能抽空来参加我们班的家长会,这让我感受到了你们对我们工作的理解和支持,也是对你们孩子的无不关心。


同时更希望你们能一如既往地关心与支持我们的工作。 首先,我自我介绍一下:我是一名新来的老师——周老师,由于是第一次开家长会,所以有不足之处,请家长们多多指正! 来到小精灵幼儿园已经有三个月了,也跟孩子们接触了三个月,在这些日子里,孩子们带给我很多很多的快乐,看到一群群活泼可爱的孩子就想到当年的我,真是天真无邪!刚开始带班的几天,由于不了解孩子们的个体差异,在某些细节方面做得不够好,导致一些误解,但我在后面的工作中一直不断的改进,以为我和在座的家长的心愿都是一样的——一切为了孩子,为了孩子的一切和孩子们相处这么久以来,我基本上了解了孩子们的性格特征和个别需要特别关注的地方。



逐步培养孩子的创造能力,让孩子有发现问题,通过探索从而提高自我解决问题的能力,如果家长直接告诉孩子一个结果或终点,孩子往往只能记住一败涂地时,过后很容易遗忘,我们要授之与渔而不是授之于鱼。 下面我要说的是我的教学工作情况:我任叫的科目是拼音、识字、语言和艺术四门课程。



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