
1. 哥白尼英语短文

哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus,1473-1543),波兰天文学家、日心说创立者,近代天文学的奠基人。


“从此自然科学便开始从神学中解放出来”,“科学的发展从此便大踏步前进”(恩格斯《自然辩证法》)。 Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus ,1473-1543), Polish astronomer, Japan said that the founder of the heart, the founder of modern astronomy. Copernicus Astronomical after a long-term observation and research, the creation of a more scientific structure of the universe - on the heart that then negates the rule in the West more than a thousand years of the geocentric theory. On the heart that has experienced the struggle hard before acceptance, this is a great astronomy revolution, not only led to a major overhaul of the human universe, and fundamentally shaken the Middle Ages in Europe the theory of the pillars of religious theology. "From then on the natural sciences began to come out from the theology of liberation""The development of science will never be making great strides" (Engels, "Dialectics of Nature").。

2. 哥白尼英语短文

哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus,1473-1543),波兰天文学家、日心说创立者,近代天文学的奠基人。哥白尼经过长期的天文观测和研究,创立了更为科学的宇宙结构体系——日心说,从此否定了在西方统治达一千多年的地心说。日心说经历了艰苦的斗争后,才为人们所接受,这是天文学上一次伟大的革命,不仅引起了人类宇宙观的重大革新,而且从根本上动摇了欧洲中世纪*神学的理论支柱。“从此自然科学便开始从神学中解放出来”,“科学的发展从此便大踏步前进”(恩格斯《自然辩证法》)。

Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus ,1473-1543), Polish astronomer, Japan said that the founder of the heart, the founder of modern astronomy. Copernicus Astronomical after a long-term observation and research, the creation of a more scientific structure of the universe - on the heart that then negates the rule in the West more than a thousand years of the geocentric theory. On the heart that has experienced the struggle hard before acceptance, this is a great astronomy revolution, not only led to a major overhaul of the human universe, and fundamentally shaken the Middle Ages in Europe the theory of the pillars of religious theology. "From then on the natural sciences began to come out from the theology of liberation"

"The development of science will never be making great strides" (Engels, "Dialectics of Nature").

3. 关于哥白尼的英语作文,要哥白尼简介

Copernicus who was borned on February 19, 1473 in Poland and died in 1543, the great polish astronomer, founder of the modern astronomy, disrupting the founder.

Copernicus . 10 years old, the maternal uncle watts tear harp lode raise. At the age of 18 in Krakow in school, university by humanist, mathematics professor bloom ChuSiJi influence, and clung to the astronomical research dedicated to volunteer.

Copernicus is the main contribution of the heliocentric theory founded the science, write "natural science of the declaration of independence" the celestial circulate ". In 1535, Copernicus with "four nine years time" finished last for six volumes of science book "celestial circulate". Complete the sun put forward the theory of the structure of the heliocentric theory: the sun in the center of the universe static ?

4. 求关于介绍哥白尼的英语作文

I have heard of you for a long time.I am a senior school student from Guangdong,* name is Luzhiwei.I have know the changes,which you have made to the old theory,were * the new theory,which you have found,is better than the Christian idea.I am sure that your new theory will replace the Christian idea,and you will also live *e cannot develop unless people publish their idea.I do hope that you can publish your new theory. If you publish your new idea,the science will be better and * know,under the powerful Christian Church's control,our human science cannot make a great progress.I think that only your new idea can overthrow the Christian Church's old * also have a brave and strong heart,* advance bravely,you will be a great * Hemingway said,"For a true person,he should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed,then sometimes,with good luck,he will succeed."And he also said,"Things may not be immediately discernible inwhat a man does." If you publish your new idea,you have reduced the weight of a parcel by publishing your new theory out,and your youth will also be entrnal,because you have reduced your waste of * think for a minute。

Do you remember being afraid of the boogie man or monsters at night as a child?But now that you are an adult,you know better than to be afraid of things that don't exist,right?It's amazing how you still have fears and worries about things that are not real like the man who said,'Worrying doesn't * all the things I worry about never happen to be me!"The crazy thing is that worry and fear make you run from somthing that isn't even chasing *s,worry only gives you wrinkles,which is just something else to worry about! When you fear the future you are wasting the *s today has enough trouble of its * at night,give it your worries to the God,he's up all night any way! Worry is a kind of like a rocking chair:It keeps youdoing,but you don't get anything!And if you cannot help worring;remember that worrying can't help you *gh you have done many years of obsrevations to prove your new theory is true and you you believe your new theory is true,you should publish the new theory which you have done many * must believe in the time which will show if your idea is true or not. The American President,Franklin Roosevelt said,"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." So whatever you're afraid of or worrying about,ask yourself:Is it real?And if it is real,how will worry about it help you?How long will it last?Is it somthing you can chang?If not,how can you best accept it?Then finally ask yourselsf:How important will this be a year from now?Will it be important to me at the end of my life?Just think a minute。You should publish your new theory.。

5. 关于尼古拉.哥白尼的英语短文120字左右

1473, Nicolaus Copernicus was born in a wealthy Polish family. His father died when he was only 10, he has been brought up by his uncle since then. As a young scholar, he enrolled into the Bible college by the time he was 18, moved in Italy on 1496. Almost two decades of time, he studied laws and medical techniques. Later on worked as a Catholic priest, doctor. Copernicus returned to his home country by 1506, worked beside a Catholic *tric theory was the dominant universal philosophy at that time, but Copernicus faithfully believed Classical Greek philosophy, including heliocentric theory. He held this theory out of his many years' observations and calculations. The well-known book 'On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres' was a manuel well-explained by him. 其中一部分资料是我自己加的。


6. 关于哥白尼的英语作文

I have heard of you for a long time.I am a senior school student from Guangdong,* name is Luzhiwei.I have know the changes,which you have made to the old theory,were * the new theory,which you have found,is better than the Christian idea.I am sure that your new theory will replace the Christian idea,and you will also live *e cannot develop unless people publish their idea.I do hope that you can publish your new theory. If you publish your new idea,the science will be better and * know,under the powerful Christian Church's control,our human science cannot make a great progress.I think that only your new idea can overthrow the Christian Church's old * also have a brave and strong heart,* advance bravely,you will be a great * Hemingway said,"For a true person,he should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed,then sometimes,with good luck,he will succeed."And he also said,"Things may not be immediately discernible inwhat a man does." If you publish your new idea,you have reduced the weight of a parcel by publishing your new theory out,and your youth will also be entrnal,because you have reduced your waste of * think for a minute。

Do you remember being afraid of the boogie man or monsters at night as a child?But now that you are an adult,you know better than to be afraid of things that don't exist,right?It's amazing how you still have fears and worries about things that are not real like the man who said,'Worrying doesn't * all the things I worry about never happen to be me!"The crazy thing is that worry and fear make you run from somthing that isn't even chasing *s,worry only gives you wrinkles,which is just somet。

7. 高二英语必修5unit1中有关哥白尼的作文

A Letter for Dear Nicolous CopernicusI have heard of you for a long time.I am a senior school student from Guangdong,* name is Luzhiwei.I have know the changes,which you have made to the old theory,were * the new theory,which you have found,is better than the Christian idea.I am sure that your new theory will replace the Christian idea,and you will also live *e cannot develop unless people publish their idea.I do hope that you can publish your new theory. If you publish your new idea,the science will be better and * know,under the powerful Christian Church's control,our human science cannot make a great progress.I think that only your new idea can overthrow the Christian Church's old * also have a brave and strong heart,* advance bravely,you will be a great * Hemingway said,"For a true person,he should always try for something that has never been done or that others have tried and failed,then sometimes,with good luck,he will succeed."And he also said,"Things may not be immediately discernible inwhat a man does." If you publish your new idea,you have reduced the weight of a parcel by publishing your new theory out,and your youth will also be entrnal,because you have reduced your waste of * think for a minute。

Do you remember being afraid of the boogie man or monsters at night as a child?But now that you are an adult,you know better than to be afraid of things that don't exist,right?It's amazing how you still have fears and worries about things that are not real like the man who said,'Worrying doesn't * all the things I worry about never happen to be me!"The crazy thing is that worry and fear make you run from somthing that isn't even chasing *s,worry only gives you wrinkles,which is just something else to worry about! When you fear the future you are wasting the *s today has enough trouble of its * at night,give it your worries to the God,he's up all night any way! Worry is a kind of like a rocking chair:It keeps youdoing,but you don't get anything!And if you cannot help worring;remember that worrying can't help you *gh you have done many years of obsrevations to prove your new theory is true and you you believe your new theory is true,you should publish the new theory which you have done many * must believe in the time which will show if your idea is true or not. The American President,Franklin Roosevelt said,"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." So whatever you're afraid of or worrying about,ask yourself:Is it real?And if it is real,how will worry about it help you?How long will it last?Is it somthing you can chang?If not,how can you best accept it?Then finally ask yourselsf:How important will this be a year from now?Will it be important to me at the end of my life?Just think a minute。You should publish your new theory.。

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