


If he should go to Qing Hua University, he would make full use of his time. 如果他要上清华大学的话,他就会充分利用他的时间了。

If he were to come here, he would tell us about it. 如果他要来的话,他会通知我们一声。If he were free, he would help us. 要是他有空的话,它会帮助我们的。

If he studied at this school, he would know you well. 如果他在这所学校学习的话,它会对你很熟悉。If I had seen the film, I would have told you about it. 我如果看过这场电影,我会把电影内容告诉你了。

If I had got there earlier, I would have met Mr. Li. 如果我早点到那儿,我就会会到了李先生。Should he agree to go there, we would send him there. 要是他答应去的话,我们就派他去。

Were she here, she would agree with us. 如果她在这儿的话,她会同意我们的。Had he learnt about computers, we would have hired him to work here. 如果她懂一些电脑知识的话,我们会已经聘用他来这里工作了 I would have come to see you, but I was too busy. 我本该来看你了,然而我太忙了。

But for his help, we would be working now. 要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress. 要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。

He would have finished it. 他本该完成了。You could have passed this exam. 你应该会通过这次考试了。

If I were at home now. 要是我现在在家里该多好啊。If only I had got it. 要是我得到它了该多好啊。

She examined the door again for fear that a thief should come in. 她又把门检查了一遍,以防盗贼的进入。He started out earlier lest he should be late. 他很早就出发了以防迟到。

He goes closer to the speaker so that he can hear him clearer. 他走近说话的人以便能挺得更清楚。He read the letter carefully in order that he should not miss a word. 他把信读得很仔细以便不漏掉一个单词。

We will finish it on time no matter what / whatever may happen. 不管发生什么事,我们都要按时完成。We will find him wherever / no matter where he may be. 无论他在哪里,我们都要找到他。

I will wait for him no matter how late he may come. 不管他来的多么晚,我都会等他。They began to talk warmly as if they had known each other for long. 他们开始热烈的谈论起来就好像他们已相互认识很久了。

I was astonished that he should not answer such an easy question. 我很惊讶他竟答不出如此简单的问题。Tom insisted that he hadn't stolen the watch. 汤姆坚持说他没有偷那块手表。

His smile suggested that he had succeeded in this exam. 他的微笑表明他在考试中成功了。Can you imagine that he should take the first place in the long jump contest? 你能想象得到他在跳远比赛中竟获得了第一名?I wish the bus went to the university. 我希望公共汽车能通到大学。

I wish I hadn't wasted so much money. 但愿我没浪费这么多钱。I'd rather you were here now. 我倒想你现在在这儿。

We'd rather you went here tomorrow. 我么倒想你明天去那儿。


With such a plan, Democrats might also have been better able to capitalize on this year's corporate corruption scandals. Voters were plenty steamed about Enron and the Bush administration's connection to it. But that anger never translated into support for Democrats, in part because the party's hands weren't clean (some Democrats had taken Enron money), but more importantly because, aside from stronger accounting rules, Democrats offered no new economic ideas that put average Americans first--ideas that would have provided a concrete alternative to the GOP's crony capitalism. Had they done so, every new twist in the corporate scandal drama would have given Democrats another opportunity to mention their egalitarian tax cut plan, thereby contrasting two visions of how to run the economy. At their best, Democrats are less about ideologies or abstractions than about getting the best deal for average Americans in any given set of conditions or circumstances. A payroll-based tax cut would have done exactly that. Without such a concrete policy, Democrats had no credibility with voters. I know what you're thinking: Republicans would have had a field day by framing such a plan as a tax increase. But Democrats should have welcomed that debate, because they would have won it. Voters can do arithmetic, especially when it involves money that might or might not go into their pockets. Moving the tax cut from column A (the rich) to column B (everyone), is plainly not a tax increase. The more Republicans insisted otherwise, the more they would have been drawn into a discussion of why they believe a tax rebate for ordinary voters was less important that one for Bill Gates' kids. 。


if I were you, I would study math harder

If there were no air or water,there would be no living things on the earth.


If I had any money with me,I could lend you some.


If he studied harder,he might pass the exam.


If I were you, I'd wear a shirt and tie.



一些较有代表性的句子,希望能有所帮助:He ordered thatall the books should be sent at * propose thatsomebody neutral take the * doctorinsisted that he should not eat * were faced withthe demand that this tax should be * decision wasthat the school remain * is essentialthat all the facts should examined first.I thought itadvisable that an armed guard should stand in * is imperativethat this mission should not * you had takenthe medicine, you would feel better * I had knownthat he was not at home, I would not have called on * it were not forthe fact that he is ill, I would ask him to do this right * she moremoney, she would dress * you been hereearlier, you would have seen * there be ameeting tomorrow, I would come.I wish I had takenyour * looks as if hewere an * speaks Englishso fluently as if he had studied in * looks as if itmight * only I were * only the rainwould * for your help,I would have failed *t air, therewould be no living things.。


With such a plan, Democrats might also have been better able to capitalize on this year's corporate corruption scandals. Voters were plenty steamed about Enron and the Bush administration's connection to it. But that anger never translated into support for Democrats, in part because the party's hands weren't clean (some Democrats had taken Enron money), but more importantly because, aside from stronger accounting rules, Democrats offered no new economic ideas that put average Americans first--ideas that would have provided a concrete alternative to the GOP's crony capitalism. Had they done so, every new twist in the corporate scandal drama would have given Democrats another opportunity to mention their egalitarian tax cut plan, thereby contrasting two visions of how to run the economy. At their best, Democrats are less about ideologies or abstractions than about getting the best deal for average Americans in any given set of conditions or circumstances. A payroll-based tax cut would have done exactly that. Without such a concrete policy, Democrats had no credibility with voters. I know what you're thinking: Republicans would have had a field day by framing such a plan as a tax increase. But Democrats should have welcomed that debate, because they would have won it. Voters can do arithmetic, especially when it involves money that might or might not go into their pockets. Moving the tax cut from column A (the rich) to column B (everyone), is plainly not a tax increase. The more Republicans insisted otherwise, the more they would have been drawn into a discussion of why they believe a tax rebate for ordinary voters was less important that one for Bill Gates' kids. 。


Henry and The Lion

Henry was walking through the forest one day when he heard a lion's roar. It was a roar filled with pain. Feeling curious, Henry walked towards the sound and peeped through the bushes. To his surprise, he saw a lion groaning. There was a thorn in its paw. Henry, filled with compassion, carefully removed the thorn from the lion's paw.

A few weeks later, when Henry was walking through the forest, he saw a pride of lion drinking water at a stream nearby. Several lions spotted Henry and ran towards him. Henry turned and ran as fast as he could.

Suddenly, a loud roar stopped the lions from chasing Henry. Henry turned and saw a familiar lion. The rest of the lion turned and moved slowly back to their leader. Their leader was, of course, the lion which Henry had helped before. Henry stood there, feeling very relived. The kind deed he had done for the lion saved his life.


例句1:If I were you,I would study hard.我要是你的话,我就会好好学习。(与现在事实相反)

例句2:If I had studied hard,I would have passed CET-6 last semester.我要是早就好好学习的话,那么我上个学期就通过六级考试了。(与过去事实相反)

例句3:If Iwere to pass CET-6,I would treat you to dinner at KFC.我要是过了六级考试,就请你去吃肯德基。(与将来事实相反)


should 加在make up 前面

1 虚拟语气在动词arrange, command, demand, desire, insist, order, propose, request, require, suggest 等后面的宾语从句中,用"(should)+动词原形"。

2:虚拟语气用于表语从句、同位语从句做advice, idea, order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request 等名词的表语从句和同位语从句,其谓语动词要用虚拟语气的结构"(should)+动词原形"。


转载请注明出处文秀网 » 虚拟语气定义英文




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