

1.正如一句谚语所说 英语

【解析】:"As a proverb says."


1. Just as a famous saying, many people step in your life, but only true friends leave footprints. 正如一句谚语所说:很多人会在在你的生活中驻足,但只有真正的朋友才会留下足迹。

2. As a ( very) German proverb puts it "better an end with horror, than a horror without end." 正如一句德国谚语所说“一个恐怖的结尾总好过一场没有尽头的恐怖。”

3. As the old saying goes," Charity begins at home "& but it doesn't stop there. 正如一句古老的谚语所说:「仁爱从家里开始。」但它却不是就停在那里。

4. After a while I found myself able to capture the deeper meaning of the dialogue and, as an old Italian proverb says, Ive started to understand not only the language but the culture behind it ( the dialogue). 经过一段时间,我发现我可以理解对话中更深层的意义,正如一句古老的意大利谚语所说:我开始从对话中理解埋藏在语言表面下的深层文化内涵。

5. An old English saying, from the mouth of babes,, signifying the truth that is often spoken by children not yet exposed to the world of lies created by adults takes on particular relevance in this light. 正如一句古老的英国谚语所说,天真无知者每每能道破真理,它寓意着之所以儿童口中往往能吐出真话,是因为他们还未接触到7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333431373934大人们用谎言堆积起来的世界。

2.正如一句谚语所说 英语

【解析】:"As a proverb says."【造句】:Just as a famous saying, many people step in your life, but only true friends leave footprints. 正如一句谚语所说:很多人会在在你的生活中驻足,但只有真正的朋友才会留下足迹。

As a ( very) German proverb puts it "better an end with horror, than a horror without end." 正如一句德国谚语所说“一个恐怖的结尾总好过一场没有尽头的恐怖。” As the old saying goes," Charity begins at home "& but it doesn't stop there. 正如一句古老的谚语所说:「仁爱从家里开始。

」但它却不是就停在那里。 After a while I found myself able to capture the deeper meaning of the dialogue and, as an old Italian proverb says, Ive started to understand not only the language but the culture behind it ( the dialogue). 经过一段时间,我发现我可以理解对话中更深层的意义,正如一句古老的意大利谚语所说:我开始从对话中理解埋藏在语言表面下的深层文化内涵。

An old English saying, from the mouth of babes,, signifying the truth that is often spoken by children not yet exposed to the world of lies created by adults takes on particular relevance in this light. 正如一句古老的英国谚语所说,天真无知者每每能道破真理,它寓意着之所以儿童口中往往能吐出真话,是因为他们还未接触到7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333431373934大人们用谎言堆积起来的世界。

3.正如古话所说 正如格言所说 英语翻译

正如古话所说,英语翻译是:As the old saying goes。

正如格言所说,英语翻译是:As the proverb says。


old saying 英[əuld ˈseɪɪŋ] 美[old ˈseɪŋ]

[词典] 古话;老话;

[例句]We also realize the truth of that old saying: Charity begins at home.


proverb 英[ˈprɒvɜ:b] 美[ˈprɑ:vɜ:rb]

n. 谚语,格言; 话柄,笑柄; 人人知道的事情,有名的事情; 俚谚剧,俚谚游戏;

[例句]An old Arab proverb says, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.


say 英[seɪ] 美[se]

vi. 说, 讲; 表明,宣称; 假设; 约莫;

vt. 表明; 念; 说明; 比方说;

n. 发言权; 说话; 要说的话; 发言权;

[例句]I would just like to say that this is the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard in my life.




1.正如一句谚语所说 英语

【解析】:"As a proverb says."


1. Just as a famous saying, many people step in your life, but only true friends leave footprints. 正如一句谚语所说:很多人会在在你的生活中驻足,但只有真正的朋友才会留下足迹。

2. As a ( very) German proverb puts it "better an end with horror, than a horror without end." 正如一句德国谚语所说“一个恐怖的结尾总好过一场没有尽头的恐怖。”

3. As the old saying goes," Charity begins at home "& but it doesn't stop there. 正如一句古老的谚语所说:「仁爱从家里开始。」但它却不是就停在那里。

4. After a while I found myself able to capture the deeper meaning of the dialogue and, as an old Italian proverb says, Ive started to understand not only the language but the culture behind it ( the dialogue). 经过一段时间,我发现我可以理解对话中更深层的意义,正如一句古老的意大利谚语所说:我开始从对话中理解埋藏在语言表面下的深层文化内涵。

5. An old English saying, from the mouth of babes,, signifying the truth that is often spoken by children not yet exposed to the world of lies created by adults takes on particular relevance in this light. 正如一句古老的英国谚语所说,天真无知者每每能道破真理,它寓意着之所以儿童口中往往能吐出真话,是因为他们还未接触到大人们用谎言堆积起来的世界。

2.正如一句谚语所说 英语

【解析】:"As a proverb says."【造句】:Just as a famous saying, many people step in your life, but only true friends leave footprints. 正如一句谚语所说:很多人会在在你的生活中驻足,但只有真正的朋友才会留下足迹。

As a ( very) German proverb puts it "better an end with horror, than a horror without end." 正如一句德国谚语所说“一个恐怖的结尾总好过一场没有尽头的恐怖。” As the old saying goes," Charity begins at home "& but it doesn't stop there. 正如一句古老的谚语所说:「仁爱从家里开始。

」但它却不是就停在那里。 After a while I found myself able to capture the deeper meaning of the dialogue and, as an old Italian proverb says, Ive started to understand not only the language but the culture behind it ( the dialogue). 经过一段时间,我发现我可以理解对话中更深层的意义,正如一句古老的意大利谚语所说:我开始从对话中理解埋藏在语言表面下的深层文化内涵。

An old English saying, from the mouth of babes,, signifying the truth that is often spoken by children not yet exposed to the world of lies created by adults takes on particular relevance in this light. 正如一句古老的英国谚语所说,天真无知者每每能道破真理,它寓意着之所以儿童口中往往能吐出真话,是因为他们还未接触到7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333431373934大人们用谎言堆积起来的世界。 。

3.正如古话所说 正如格言所说 英语翻译

正如古话所说,英语翻译是:As the old saying goes。

正如格言所说,英语翻译是:As the proverb says。


old saying 英[əuld ˈseɪɪŋ] 美[old ˈseɪŋ]

[词典] 古话;老话;

[例句]We also realize the truth of that old saying: Charity begins at home.


proverb 英[ˈprɒvɜ:b] 美[ˈprɑ:vɜ:rb]

n. 谚语,格言; 话柄,笑柄; 人人知道的事情,有名的事情; 俚谚剧,俚谚游戏;

[例句]An old Arab proverb says, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.


say 英[seɪ] 美[se]

vi. 说, 讲; 表明,宣称; 假设; 约莫;

vt. 表明; 念; 说明; 比方说;

n. 发言权; 说话; 要说的话; 发言权;

[例句]I would just like to say that this is the most hypocritical thing I have ever heard in my life.



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